We work with eye doctors and other doctors such as primary care physicians to assist in providing the best patient care available. We are committed to helping you grow your practice.

Consumer Only Products


39608 Eureka Dr. Newark, CA 94560


+1 (510) 455-8168

Our products bring practical and impactful applications to a wide range of industries, offering Vision Marker Screening for early diagnosis and Frequent Vision Monitoring to track the progression of eye diseases.

Additionally, EyeQue provides a Telehealth solution, ensuring accessibility and convenience by connecting with individuals from anywhere and at any time. This trifecta of innovation addresses critical needs in diverse sectors. Here is a list of real-life applications across different industries, showcasing how EyeQue is reshaping the landscape of proactive vision care and accessibility.

Nurse Practitioners

Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals

Optical Shops
Mobile Optician
Corporate Wellness Programs

Wellness and Retail Clinics

Wellness and Retail Clinics

K-12 School Vision Screening Programs
Athletic Departments (All Schools and Higher Education)
College Campus (Student Health Services)
Employee Health Initiatives

Education Sector

Education Sector

Senior Care Facilities
Assisted Living
Nursing Facilities

Senior Living

Senior Living

Emergency Room
Urgent Care Centers
Refractive Surgery Centers
Pediatric Care
Health Hub/Kiosks

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities

Military and Defense
FAA Airports (Public & Private )
Youth Centers
Prisons(Federal, State, Local)
Juvenile Detention Center

Government Facilities

Government Facilities

Driver Vision Checks at DMV
Pre-Employment Vision Screenings
Occupational Vision Screenings

Transportation and Manufacturing Industry

Transportation and Manufacturing Industry

Athlete Vision Assessments
Gun/Archery Ranges

Sports and Athletics

Sports and Athletics