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Accommodation Mitigation In Reverse Shack-Hartman Refraction Measurement
READ MOREAccommodation Mitigation In Reverse Shack-Hartman Refraction Measurement

Visual Stimulus For Controlling Accommodation
READ MOREVisual Stimulus For Controlling Accommodation

Automated Eye Model For Refraction And Vision
READ MOREAutomated Eye Model For Refraction And Vision

Accuracy Measurement Of An At-Home Refraction Measurement Device
READ MOREAccuracy Measurement Of An At-Home Refraction Measurement Device

Optical Calibration System For Refractometers
READ MOREOptical Calibration System
For Refractometers

Refraction Measurements Comparison between the EyeQue VisionCheck and Autorefractor and Phoropter Refraction
Refraction Measurements Comparison between the EyeQue VisionCheck and Autorefractor and Phoropter Refraction

White Papers
Comparison of the EyeQue PVT with the Topcon KR-800 Autorefractor
DOWNLOADEyeQue PVT vs. Autorefractor

EyeQue Personal Vision Tester Accuracy_V10
DOWNLOADPrecision and Accuracy of EyeQue PVT

Preliminary comparison study of the EyeQue Insight™ and the standard Snellen letter chart in measuring visual acuity
DOWNLOADEyeQue Insight™ vs. Snellen Chart

Comparison Study of the EyeQue VisionCheck with Autorefractor and Phoropter Refraction to obtain Refractive Measurement
DOWNLOADComparison Study of the EyeQue VisionCheck with Autorefractor

Eye Care Provider Shortage in the US
DOWNLOADEye Care Provider Shortage in the US

The Prevalence and Burden of Uncorrected Refractive Errors in the World and in the US
DOWNLOADThe Prevalence and Burden of Uncorrected Refractive Errors in the World and in the US

Barriers to Access in Eye Care in the United States
DOWNLOADBarriers to Access in Eye Care in the United States